This research was conducted with the aim of increasing high senior school students' learning interest in the concept of magnetic induction through the implementation of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) based on STEM approach, especially the application of Engineering is Elementary (EiE). The research, which was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Darul Imarah, was in the form of a quasi-experimental control group design, with selecting two sample classes by random sampling as the experimental class that applied the PBL model based on STEM education and the control class applied the conventional learning. Data of Students' interest in learning was conducted through a questionnaire which included aspects of pleasure, interest in the learning process, attention during the learning process and participating in learning activities. The results of the independent t-test analysis of students' interest in learning between the experimental class and the control class showed a significant difference. The students' learning interest in the experimental class showed the better results than the control class for all aspects of the interest measured. The results of this study provide one additional empirical evidence that the use of the PBL based STEM approach can increase student interest in learning. Therefore, the results of this study should be considered to be implemented in the process of teaching and learning physics in general in schools, especially in the SMA curriculum.
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